
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Meet Scion Feurig of the Nachtfee!

Hollow asked me to pass along some design notes.

This handsome young devil is Scion Feurig, a Half Nachtfee or Night Faem a native to a region known as Nyx, his delightful weapon is Thanatos.

Scion is also the NPC of forum user Trainz_07 our "What AQ Means to me" grand prize award winner.

Fairly soon Scion will make his first appearance in game but he has a lengthy history with Darkovia and is known by the White Abbess - Evina. Scion also appears to have an unknown relationship with the Loremaster and when first encountered by the PC it is to seek their help within the Hall of Memories.

All is not well in the Hall as some force or forces seems to be altering the halls functioning. Doors are leading to the wrong places and containment is breaking down and even the Abode itself has no idea why. Worse, Transmorphers are appearing everywhere.

When both Donovan and Cenara become lost within the Hall, Abode quickly erects defenses to lock the timeline of the Hall to just the time of the coming of the Chosen. But eleven years is still a long time and they can be anywhere within it.

Abode sends Scion to find the Player to help, moments after Scion leaves, however, the Loremaster arrives and things go from bad to worse as the Hall, inexplicably separates Falerin into his segregate pieces and scatters them one by one within the Hall as well!

All of this points toward an impossible conclusion, that Erebus is somehow involved...

Falerin with his last breath before being totally scattered however assures the Abode that it is far more complex than that as Erebus is still locked within the Shadow Universe.

Now a race is on through the history of Lore to rescue Cenara, Donovan, and the Falerii even while waring against the many Transmorphers.

You will have to battle through the history of Adventure Quest to set things right... and that's just the beginning of the mystery...

Scion will have a major role to play in a new ARC going forward.

For the question remains how did this start, what does it mean, and what history has Scion with Darkovia, Nightbane, and the forces of Lore. And if Erebus is, for the moment, still locked away, who started this mess...


Friday, May 17, 2013

Absol-ution Cycle

With this week's release comes the Absol-ution cycle begins and the story that began with Visia and the Mutant King's quest to Unleash Ryuusei Cartwright's uncreated child has it's final chapter.

The Alternate Ryuusei has been having very bad dreams of terrible destruction all tied to Cartwright. His strange visions have for him a feeling of prophecy and even if they are not prophetic their affect on Ryuusei's own health has been dramatic and negative. Desperate Ryuusei seeks the aid of the Chosen to somehow find Cartwright and to find the meaning of this dream.

But might the search itself be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

A journey to a far of world leads to to explosive consequences that must be seen to believed.

And once the journey has begun it will steam roll toward its conclusion at an incredibly break neck pace. And by early May it will all be over.

Some of you asked for a god war.... all I can say...

Oh and one last thing. Not everyone will survive. At least one very permanent death and uncreation await, and those fates may or may not be the same individual... (lean toward not).

It has begun.

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